Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Gears of War isMicrosoft's "ace up their sleeve". Originally planned to be released for the xbox 360 in April of 2006, developers at Epic Games have been taking their sweet time keeping anxious gamers on the edge of their seats. The game runs on the new Unreal Engine 3 and is considered to be a tactical 3rd person shooter where as the focus has shifted from "Run and Gun" to "Stop and Pop", emphasizing the use of cover.
Originally shipped on the 7th of November 2006, but was not released in places such as Walmart and Target until November 12th, also knows as E-Day.
The game takes place 14 years after E-Day, and you are to finish off the locust hoards by destroying their underground civilization. The game features three difficulty settings: Casual, Hardcore, and Insane. Insane can only be played once you have completed all five acts. Playing through on Casual will take 6-7 hours, Hardcore 8-9 and Insane 10-14.
Gears of War truley thrives in the multiplayer universe. Weather it be playing the campaign online side by side with a friend and nearl;y no lag, to playing a 4v4 warzone match. There are 3 game types to play online in versus (ranked and player matches) and 10 maps. The game types are:
Warzone- One life elimination. Simple.
Gears of War is a video game created by Epic Games and is a third-person-shooter, compatible for the Xbox 360 and is rated M in the USA and 18 in the UK. Its platforms include the Xbox 360 console and the PC, and has sold over 3 million copies since its release on November 7, 2006. As of E3 2007, Gears of War has been ported to PC, as one of many 'Games for Windows'. The PC edition has new features, and five new single player chapters. For further information please regard the specific article, Gears of War (PC)
It was the most played game on Xbox Live in terms of unique users, ahead of Halo 2, before being beaten by its sequel, Halo 3. There are 4 different types of multiplayer game. Warzone, Assassination, Execution and Annex with 10 multiplayer maps, and 6 new ones available for download on the Xbox Live Marketplace free of charge. These maps are named Old Bones, Raven Down, Garden, Subway, Bullet Marsh, and Process.  

source :
- urbandictionary.com
- gearsofwar.wikia.com

Saturday, 26 July 2014

EVANGELION The Giant Mecha

The best, most complex, but also EXTREMELY fucked up anime ever, sometimes leading viewers to depression and deep, deep confusion, as well as headaches from trying to figure out that f'ing show. It has the most beautiful animation, but is known for angering fans with it's inconclusive ending. The story depicts a world that has been all but destroyed by a disaster in the year 2000, and the ensuing chaos when a race called the "Angels" return to destroy what is left of mankind.

An Evangelion (エヴァンゲリオン) is a giant human being of near-godlike power, created by NERV from samples of the First Angel, Adam (although Unit-01 might be an exception). Evangelions were supposedly created to combat the Angel threat, although their most important function (and one of their greatest secrets) is to initiate Third Impact to evolve humanity further.
The Evangelions were designed after a specific type of Japanese monster called "Oni", commonly translated into "demon" or "ogre". In the words of Anno himself
Evangelions do not have a fixed size in the show, and vary in size as the situation demands, going from 40 meters to a towering 200 meters in height (they all have a height of approximately 80 meters in the Rebuild continuity). Created from the Seed of Life Adam (with the seeming exception of Unit-01), their massive bodies are formed of Particle-Wave Matter, but their shape appears to be determined genetically rather than through their A.T. Fields since they were born without souls, having their soul inserted in a Contact Experiment with a human being. 

source :
- urbandictionary.com
- evangelion.wikia.com